Atlantis. Another possibility. (A very interesting possibility indeed!)






by Amy Smith (World Mysteries)


“The story has the fashion of a legend, but the truth of it lies in the occurrence of a shifting of the bodies of the heaven, which move round the earth”


— Dialogues of Plato


65-1 “And in those days Noah saw the earth had tilted and that it’s destruction was near.”


–The Book Of Noah


An Odd Choice of Words…


“I don’t know how many of the readers of this article follow either Biblical style wittings or Greek philosophers. Please understand, I am not attempting to convert anyone to either system of beliefs. Your beliefs are your own. I am only attempting to express the ideas put forth by these writings and follow the events that would have occurred due to a “Tilting” of the Earth.


My reason for referring to these two writings is because they are the only two ancient text that refer to the Earth having Tilted. It seems obvious to me that the author of ‘The Book of Noah’ considered the Earth to be round, or else we may have slid off when — ‘And in those days Noah saw the Earth had tilted.’


Plato on the other hand appeared to have a different view. His choice of words seem to indicate his view of the Earth. “A shifting of the bodies of the heaven, which move round the earth”.


He did not say the earth tilted, but the effect was the same. His choice of words leads me to believe he considered the earth was flat, or at least the stationary center of the “Cosmos”.


Plato’s description of Atlantis is that it was 321 miles long, 223 miles wide and rectangular in shape. (Converted from the Stadium Measurement used by Plato) The ocean approach to Atlantis was high cliffs all along it’s coast. It was washed away in one night in an incredible flood. It was destroyed in 10,000 B.C. after a series of earthquakes and possible volcanic activity…”


For the complete piece click here to go to World Mysteries.


